21% reptiles, 11% are birds. There are a total of 1,500 animals in the zoo. Is this the correct proportion that I wrote to solve?

11/21 = r/1,500

What is the question you want to solve?

hi Ms. Sue.

It is not to solve but how I am suppose to write out to solve.
the choices were;

11/21 = r 1,500 ***** this is the one I chose.

11/100 = r /1,500
21/100 = r/1,500

oops I mean 11/21 = r/1,500 I chose. :)

Do you want to know how many reptiles? Or how many birds? Or something else?

In a zoo, 21%of the animals are reptiles, 11% are birds. There are a total of 1,500 animals in the zoo. Which proportion can be solved for r, the number of reptiles in the zoo.

Is this the correct proportion that I wrote to solve?

11/21 = r/1,500 I chose. :)

One more quick question?

is 62/7 opposite is -62/7 ?

Thanks for posting the entire problem.

21/100 = r/1500

Ohh yeah of course because obviously I am not trying to figure out the birds. oops! Thanks!

:-) You're welcome.

Yes Moby that is the opposite. Remember the opposite or any number has a - except 0.