I have not learned this yet in class and I am stuck on this homework problem.

Graph the linear equation by using a table of solutions.

Why are you trying to do this problem before you've learned how to do it in class?

An assignment with 3 of these problems was assigned to my class and we haven't learned it yet. I don't know when our professor plans on covering it but I'd like to finish my homework.

A linear equation of your type will produce a straight line when graphed.

So all you need are 2 distinct points.
Using the x and y intercepts are a quick and easy way to do this, after all the intercepts are just plain ol' points.

Here is an easy way to do this:

let x = 0
put your pinkie finger or a pencil over the x term, leaving you with -4y = 12, so y = -3
you got the y-intercept, (0,-3)

let y = 0 , again put your pinkie over the y term, leaving you looking at 3x = 12 , so x = 4
x-intercept is (4,0)

plot (4,0) and (0,-3), draw the line passing through those two points.

This method works really well if the constant is divisible by both the x and y coefficients, like it was for your equation.

thank you so much!!

No worries, I'm here to help! Let's go through the steps of graphing the linear equation 3x - 4y = 12 using a table of solutions.

Step 1: Choose values for x.
Start by selecting a few values for x that will help us determine corresponding y values. In this case, we can choose any values for x, but it is usually helpful to choose integers that are easy to work with. Let's pick three values: -2, 0, and 2.

Step 2: Substitute the chosen values of x into the equation.
Substitute each of the chosen values of x into the equation 3x - 4y = 12 and solve for y. Let's calculate the corresponding y values for each x value:
For x = -2:
3(-2) - 4y = 12
-6 - 4y = 12
-4y = 18
y = -4.5

For x = 0:
3(0) - 4y = 12
0 - 4y = 12
-4y = 12
y = -3

For x = 2:
3(2) - 4y = 12
6 - 4y = 12
-4y = 6
y = -1.5

Step 3: Create a table of solutions.
Now, let's create a table with the values we calculated.

x | y
-2 | -4.5
0 | -3
2 | -1.5

Step 4: Plot the points on the graph.
Plot each of the points from the table on the coordinate plane. The x value corresponds to the horizontal axis, and the y value corresponds to the vertical axis. For example, with the point (-2, -4.5), go 2 units to the left (since x = -2) and 4.5 units down (since y = -4.5), and mark that point on the graph. Do the same for the other points.

Step 5: Connect the points.
Once all the points are plotted, connect them with a straight line. This line represents the graph of the linear equation.

And there you have it! You've successfully graphed the linear equation 3x - 4y = 12 using a table of solutions. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't be discouraged, and keep learning!