The ABC Toy Company is creating two similar pieces for a board game, as shown below. Find the value of x that makes the two pieces similar.

To determine the value of x that makes the two pieces similar, we need more information or a visual representation of the problem. Can you please provide a description or an image of the two pieces?

To find the value of x that makes the two pieces similar, we need more information. The question mentions that there are two similar pieces for a board game, but it doesn't provide any visual representation or specific details about the pieces.

To determine if two figures are similar, we usually compare their corresponding sides to see if they have proportional lengths. Similar figures have congruent angles but their side lengths may be different.

If you can provide more specific information or a diagram of the two pieces, I can help you determine the value of x that makes them similar.

The answer is 12, I know this because I took the test and got it right. A simple way of doing this would be, you can see that side LM is 3 and side OP is 9. Now you would divide 9 by 3 which would give you 3 (9/3) and multiply 4 by 3 to get 12. This is the simplest way I can think of explaining this so I really hope it helped, have a great day/night and good luck! :)

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