I need help on my math question. can someone please explain the process?

You have $5 for lunch. You bought a turkey sandwich for $2.25. Write and solve an inequality to show how much more you can spend.

5 - 2.25 ≥ 2.75

okay, I'm not sure how you were taught to do this, but this is how I would.

1st: subtract 2.25 from 5 to get 2.75.
2nd: write the inequality. So, because you have $2.75 left you can get anything that is less than or equal to $2.75.

Hope this helps!

thanks this helps a lot!!

Would the inequality be 2.75 <_ 5 or no? I'm sorry, I'm not good with inequalities

No it would be 5- 2.25 > 2.75 (make sure there is a line under the greater sign) And thanks for the help turnip!!!

Dunno if this is helpful now nut here I go:

A. x=5-2.25
x being representing the amount of money you have left

B. X=5-2.25

Of course! I can help you with that math question.

To find out how much more you can spend, you need to subtract the cost of the turkey sandwich from the amount of money you have. Let's use the variable 'x' for the amount you can spend.

The inequality can be written as:
5 - 2.25 ≤ x

To solve this inequality, you need to subtract 2.25 from 5:
5 - 2.25 = 2.75

So, the solution to the inequality is:
2.75 ≤ x

Therefore, you can spend up to $2.75 more on your lunch.