A person roller skates down a street heading West. What is true about friction in this case?

the choices are 1- does not effect the skates
2- pulls the skates eastward
3- pulls the skates downward toward the center of the earth
4- pulls the skates westward

my answer is # 4

That hint doesnt make sense!

I will give you a hint: friction acts against motion.

The correct answer is option 4: Friction pulls the skates westward.

When a person roller skates down a street, friction arises between the surface of the street and the skates. Friction is a force that opposes the movement between two surfaces in contact. In this case, the friction force acts in the opposite direction of the skater's motion, which is toward the east. Therefore, the skates experience a force pulling them back, or westward, due to the friction between the wheels and the street surface.