Find the coordinates of the image of point R(3,-5) rotated 180° about the origin.

Please help me I think its A

Its A just scored a hundread

Yes I seen that but I have been posting for two days now.sorry

Find the coordinates of the image of point R(3,-5) rotated 180° about the origin.

Please help me I think its B

It's A.

It's A

First, find the rule for a rotation of 180°, which is

R(O,180): (x,y)->(-x,-y)
(3,-5) -> (-(3),-(-5))
can you take it from here?

Did you read the post previous to yours?

It should help you get the right answer.

To find the coordinates of the image of point R(3,-5) rotated 180° about the origin, you can use the following steps:

1. The origin, (0,0), is the center of rotation. Since we are rotating 180°, the image will be on the opposite side of the origin.

2. The x-coordinate of the image will be the opposite (negative) of the original y-coordinate, and the y-coordinate of the image will be the opposite (negative) of the original x-coordinate.

Applying these steps, we can find the image of point R(3,-5) as follows:

x-coordinate of the image = -1 * (-5) = 5
y-coordinate of the image = -1 * 3 = -3

Therefore, the coordinates of the image of point R(3,-5) rotated 180° about the origin are (5,-3). Hence, option C)(5,3) is the correct answer.

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