how to prepare 10g per litre of hydrochloric acid

What are you starting with?

To prepare a 10g per litre solution of hydrochloric acid, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the amount of hydrochloric acid needed. In this case, you want 10g per litre.

2. Calculate the volume of hydrochloric acid required. The density of hydrochloric acid is typically around 1.18 g/mL. Since we want 10g per litre, we can divide the desired amount by the density to find the volume: 10g / 1.18 g/mL = 8.47 mL.

3. Measure 8.47 mL of hydrochloric acid.

4. Add the measured hydrochloric acid to a container.

5. Gradually add water to the container while stirring until the total volume reaches 1 litre.

6. Mix the solution thoroughly, ensuring that the hydrochloric acid is evenly distributed.

7. You now have a 10g per litre solution of hydrochloric acid.

Remember to always handle chemicals with caution, wear appropriate protective equipment, and follow safety guidelines.