The main conclusion you can draw from this paragraph is that A. because of the greenhouse effect, plants on Earth should thrive. B. a greenhouse helps plants to grow faster. C. the atmosphere keeps Earth warm D. in a greenhouse, the Sun's heat is trapped by the glass

Where is the paragraph?

The main conclusion that can be drawn from this paragraph is D. in a greenhouse, the Sun's heat is trapped by the glass.

To identify the main conclusion of a paragraph, it is essential to carefully analyze the information presented. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this task:

1. Read the paragraph: Begin by reading the entire paragraph to gain an understanding of its content.

2. Identify key information: Look for sentences or phrases that convey the main idea or argument of the paragraph. These statements often summarize the core point being made.

Now, let's examine the options provided:

A. because of the greenhouse effect, plants on Earth should thrive.
This statement mentions the greenhouse effect and its impact on plant growth. However, it does not represent the overall conclusion of the paragraph since no explicit connection is made between the greenhouse effect and thriving plants.

B. a greenhouse helps plants to grow faster.
This option focuses on the impact of greenhouses on plant growth. While the idea of a greenhouse is mentioned in the paragraph, it does not cover the broader context of the paragraph, making it an insufficient representation of the main conclusion.

C. the atmosphere keeps Earth warm.
This statement refers to the role of the atmosphere in the Earth's temperature regulation. While this is mentioned in the paragraph, it is not the primary point being made. The paragraph discusses a more specific concept related to the greenhouse effect.

D. in a greenhouse, the Sun's heat is trapped by the glass.
This statement accurately summarizes the core point of the paragraph. It describes the mechanism by which a greenhouse operates – trapping the Sun's heat with glass. Consequently, this option represents the main conclusion drawn from the paragraph.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. in a greenhouse, the Sun's heat is trapped by the glass.