My essay is over the American Dream. I gave what my own opinion was and what everyone else thinks it is like occupations and families.Help!?

Prosperity and freedom

Ohh! Thanks!

You're welcome.

It seems like you are working on an essay about the American Dream and you need help with organizing your thoughts and ideas. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you:

1. Introduction: Start by introducing the concept of the American Dream. Briefly explain its historical context and significance in American society.

2. Define the American Dream: Provide a clear definition of what the American Dream means to you personally. Additionally, you can include some commonly held beliefs about the American Dream, such as the pursuit of happiness, upward mobility, and success.

3. Your opinion: Discuss your own interpretation and opinion of the American Dream. Explain what it means to you, focusing on aspects like career aspirations, family values, or personal happiness. Use evidence, examples, or personal anecdotes to support your perspective.

4. Contrast with public perception: Highlight the general understanding or perception of the American Dream. Discuss what most people believe or expect from the American Dream, particularly in terms of professional success and family life.

5. Address contradictions: Explore any contradictions or discrepancies between your opinion and the public perception of the American Dream. Explain why these differences exist, drawing on cultural, economic, or historical factors.

6. Conclusion: Summarize your findings and restate your opinion of the American Dream. Reflect on the significance and relevance of the American Dream in contemporary society, and leave the readers with a thought-provoking idea or call to action.

Remember, this is just a suggested structure, and you should feel free to modify it to suit your essay's specific needs. Good luck with your writing!