convert :

1. 25.25 cm to Tm:
2. 1 zm to Zm:
3. 25 m3 to cL:
4. 1.23 x 10^4 L to m3:
5. 1000 cm3 to L:
6. 8,000,000 km to nm:

I'll be glad to check your work or answer questions on this topic but it does you no good for me to give you the answers.

To convert between different units of length and volume, we need to use conversion factors. Here are the conversions for the given questions:

1. To convert 25.25 cm to Tm (Terameters):
- 1 Tm = 1 x 10^14 cm
- Divide the given value (25.25 cm) by 1 x 10^14 to get the result in Terameters.

2. To convert 1 zm (Zeptometer) to Zm (Zettameter):
- 1 Zm = 1 x 10^24 zm
- Divide the given value (1 zm) by 1 x 10^24 to get the result in Zettameters.

3. To convert 25 m^3 to cL (centiliters):
- 1 m^3 = 1 x 10^5 cL
- Multiply the given value (25) by 1 x 10^5 to get the result in centiliters.

4. To convert 1.23 x 10^4 L (Liters) to m^3 (cubic meters):
- 1 m^3 = 1000 L
- Divide the given value (1.23 x 10^4 L) by 1000 to get the result in cubic meters.

5. To convert 1000 cm^3 (cubic centimeters) to L (Liters):
- 1 L = 1000 cm^3
- Divide the given value (1000 cm^3) by 1000 to get the result in Liters.

6. To convert 8,000,000 km (kilometers) to nm (nanometers):
- 1 km = 1 x 10^12 nm
- Multiply the given value (8,000,000) by 1 x 10^12 to get the result in nanometers.

Remember to keep track of the powers of ten when performing the conversions.