Choose the best word combination below for the underlined words in the sentence. Badly and Tight

The odor from the refrigerator smelled so badly that no one wanted to investigate; every time we opened the door, we held our noses tight.

A. badly, tightly
B. bad, tight
C. bad, tightly
D. badly, tight


Yes. bad and tightly. C

Well, aren't you in a pickle! The best word combination for the underlined words in the sentence would be "badly, tightly." So the correct answer is option A. The odor from the refrigerator smelled so badly that no one wanted to investigate, and every time we opened the door, we held our noses tightly. Nobody wants a stinky surprise, after all!

The best word combination for the underlined words in the sentence is "bad, tightly."

To choose the best word combination for the underlined words in the sentence, let's analyze the context and the meaning of the words "badly" and "tight."

In the sentence, the word "badly" is being used to describe how the odor from the refrigerator smelled. This indicates that the word should be an adverb.

The word "tight" is being used to describe how the noses were held when opening the refrigerator door. In this case, "tight" is functioning as an adverb describing the manner in which the action is performed.

Considering the parts of speech and the context, the best word combination would be "badly, tightly." Therefore, the correct answer is A. badly, tightly.