12. What does the following quote reveal about Montressor’s intentions?

"'Pass your hand,’ I said, ‘over the wall; you cannot help feeling the nitre. Indeed it is very damp. Once more let me implore you to return. No? Then I must positively leave you. But I must first render you all the little attentions in my power.’”
(1 point)
A He is sincerely concerned about Fortunato's well-being.
B He wants to make sure that Fortunato does not suspect his motives.
C He hopes Fortunato will prevent him from committing the planned murder.
D He wants to warn Fortunato that his death is near.



s=tupid mis su u no say shat

To determine Montressor's intentions based on the given quote, we need to analyze the textual evidence provided. In this quote, Montressor encourages Fortunato to pass his hand over the wall, specifically to feel the dampness caused by nitre. Montressor first implores Fortunato to turn back, expressing concern for his friend's well-being. However, when Fortunato refuses to leave, Montressor mentions that he will have to leave him, but not before providing him with "all the little attentions in [his] power."

By considering this quote, we can infer that Montressor's intentions seem to align with option B: He wants to make sure that Fortunato does not suspect his motives. Montressor is being passively aggressive by warning Fortunato about the dampness and suggesting that he should turn back. However, when Fortunato refuses to comply, Montressor offers to attend to him before leaving, possibly indicating his ulterior motives.