1. I will opened the door.

2. The door will be opened by me.
3. The door shall be opened by me.

(What is the passive form of Sentence 1?)

#1 should be: I will open the door.

#2 is the correct passive.

#3 wouldn't be used much.

The passive form of Sentence 1 is "The door will be opened by me."

To convert a sentence into the passive voice, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject and object of the active sentence.
- Subject: "I"
- Object: "the door"

2. Move the object to the beginning of the sentence.
- Object: "The door"

3. Add the auxiliary verb "be" in the appropriate tense.
- Original tense: "will opened"
- Passive tense: "will be opened"

4. Include the past participle form of the main verb.
- Past participle of "open": "opened"

5. Include the preposition "by" followed by the subject of the active sentence.
- Subject: "I"

Putting it all together, we get "The door will be opened by me" as the passive form of Sentence 1.