1. Name the components of the respiratory system in the order incoming air would encounter them during breathing.

trachea, pharynx, larynx, alveoli, bronchi
bronchi, larynx, alveoli, trachea, pharynx
larynx, trachea, bronchi, pharynx, alveoli
pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, alveoli

2. Which of the following summarizes the function of the respiratory system?

to transport oxygen to cells and wastes away from cells
to protect the organs in the chest cavity
to move oxygen from the air into the body and carbon dioxide from the body into the air
to provide a barrier between the body and the environment



That one kid is right I got a %10000 he is right thanks.

He’s right

that one kid is right 100%

100% thnx

What is the test

1. The correct order of components of the respiratory system that incoming air would encounter during breathing is: pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, alveoli.

To remember this, you can imagine the following sequence: when you breathe in, the air enters your mouth or nose (pharynx), then passes through your voice box (larynx), followed by the windpipe (trachea), which splits into two main branches (bronchi), and finally reaches the tiny air sacs in your lungs (alveoli).

2. The correct summary of the function of the respiratory system is: to move oxygen from the air into the body and carbon dioxide from the body into the air.

This function is accomplished through the process of breathing, where oxygen is inhaled into the lungs and exchanged with carbon dioxide, which is then exhaled from the body. The respiratory system plays a vital role in supplying oxygen to the cells of the body and removing waste gases, ensuring efficient gas exchange for cellular respiration.


Trachea is a part between the throat and the lungs.

The alveoli perform the major function of the respiratory system, namely exchanges intake of fresh air (O2) with waste carbon dioxide (CO2). They are also the ultimate destination of intake of fresh air.

I think it is D. Hope this helps.

um, i don't think that helps at all...