3. What are the next three terms of the sequence 6, 12, 18, 24

a; 28, 34, 40
b; 30, ,34, 38
c; 30, 36, 44
d; 30, 36, 42
14. The sale price of ground beef at a local grocery store is $1.49 for the first pond and $1.09 for each additional pound. Which function rule shows hpw the cost of ground beef, y, depends on the number of pounds, x?

a; y=1.49x + 1.09
b; y=1.09(x-1) + 1.49
c; y=(1.09 + 1.49)x
d; y=1.09x + 1.49

For the first question:

The sequence starts with 6 and increases by 6 each time. Therefore, the next three terms can be found by adding 6 to each term:

6 + 6 = 12
12 + 6 = 18
18 + 6 = 24

So the next three terms are 12, 18, and 24.

Therefore, the correct answer is option a; 28, 34, 40.

For the second question:

Since the cost of the first pound is $1.49 and each additional pound adds $1.09 to the cost, we can write the function rule as:

y = 1.49 + (x - 1) * 1.09

Simplifying this expression gives:

y = 1.49 + 1.09x - 1.09
y = 1.09x + 0.40

Therefore, the correct answer is option d; y = 1.09x + 1.49.

3. To find the next three terms of the sequence 6, 12, 18, 24, you need to determine the pattern of the sequence. Looking at the terms, you can see that each term is obtained by adding 6 to the previous term. So, to find the next term, you add 6 to 24 which gives you 30. To find the next, next term, you add 6 to 30, which gives you 36. Finally, to find the third term after 24, you add 6 to 36, resulting in 42. Therefore, the next three terms of the sequence are 30, 36, 42.

Therefore, the correct answer is option d; 30, 36, 42.

14. To determine the function rule that shows how the cost of ground beef, y, depends on the number of pounds, x, you need to consider the given information.

The sale price of the first pound of ground beef is $1.49, and for each additional pound, the cost is $1.09. This means that there is a one-time cost of $1.49, and then for each additional pound, the cost increases by $1.09.

So, the function rule that shows how the cost of ground beef, y, depends on the number of pounds, x, can be written as:

y = 1.49 + 1.09(x - 1)

In this function rule, (x - 1) represents the additional pounds of ground beef beyond the first pound. Since the cost of the first pound is included as a one-time cost of $1.49, we subtract 1 from x to account for the first pound.

Therefore, the correct answer is option b; y = 1.09(x - 1) + 1.49.

3. There's a difference of 6 in the numbers in the sequence.

14. b