Sudan is omitted from inclusion in the sub-Saharan region because it

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B) is linked to egypt by the nile

Sudan is sometimes excluded from the sub-Saharan region due to its unique geographic and political characteristics. The term "sub-Saharan Africa" generally refers to the countries located south of the Sahara Desert, which have certain cultural, economic, and historical similarities.

One of the main reasons for excluding Sudan is its significant portion of land located north of the Sahara Desert. The Sahara acts as a natural barrier and is often used as a geographical reference point. Since Sudan has a substantial area located north of the Sahara, it is sometimes not included in the sub-Saharan region.

Another factor is the influence of Arab culture and the Arabic language in Sudan, which differentiates it from many other sub-Saharan African nations. Arabic is the official language in Sudan, and the Arab culture has a significant presence due to historical and social interactions in the region.

Additionally, Sudan has been historically associated with the Arab League, an organization consisting of Arabic-speaking countries. This further highlights its connection to the Arab world and distinguishes it from the sub-Saharan region.

It's important to note that the inclusion or exclusion of Sudan from the sub-Saharan region can vary depending on the context and the purpose of classification. Different organizations, researchers, or individuals may have different criteria and reasons for including or omitting Sudan from the sub-Saharan region.

A. is politically distinct from other regional countries.

B. is linked to Egypt by the Nile.
C. doesn't border the Sahara Desert.
D. contains most of the evidence of humanity's African origins.