Lauren used 1 quart of milk to make ice cream. What is the closest to this amount of milk? Answers are either. 100 liters, 100 milliliter a, 1 milliliter, or 1 liter. Can you help answer which one is closest

1 quart = 0.946353 liters

The closest amount of milk = 1 liter.

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100 liters

To determine which option is closest to 1 quart of milk, we need to convert the units to the same system of measurement.

1 quart is equivalent to 0.946 liters.

Now we can compare the given options:

- 100 liters: This is significantly larger than 1 quart, so it is not the closest.
- 100 milliliters: This is significantly smaller than 1 quart, so it is not the closest.
- 1 milliliter: This is much smaller than 1 quart, so it is not the closest.
- 1 liter: This is almost equivalent to 1 quart, making it the closest option.

Therefore, the closest amount of milk to 1 quart is 1 liter.

To determine which answer is closest to 1 quart of milk, we need to convert quarts to the given options: 100 liters, 100 milliliters, 1 milliliter, and 1 liter.

First, let's convert quarts to liters since it is provided in both options. 1 quart is equal to approximately 0.946 liters.

Next, we can compare the converted value to the given options:

- 100 liters: Clearly, 100 liters is much larger than 1 quart. So this option is not the closest.

- 100 milliliters: Since 1 liter is equal to 1000 milliliters, this option is equivalent to 0.1 liters. 1 quart is still larger than 0.1 liters, so this option is not the closest either.

- 1 milliliter: This option is much smaller than 1 quart. Therefore, it is not the closest.

- 1 liter: As mentioned earlier, 1 quart is approximately equal to 0.946 liters. This option is the closest to the amount of milk used.

So, the answer closest to 1 quart of milk is 1 liter.