What type of simple machine is a doorknob? or is it a compound machine?


A doorknob can be classified as a simple machine called a wheel and axle.

Now, let me explain how a doorknob functions as a wheel and axle. A doorknob consists of two main parts - the round knob (wheel) and the rod (axle) that attaches it to the door. The knob is the larger wheel, while the rod is the smaller axle. This simple machine allows us to apply a force to the doorknob with our hand, causing the door to rotate around the hinges and open or close.

As for the second part of your question, a doorknob can also be considered part of a compound machine. A compound machine is a combination of two or more simple machines working together to achieve a specific task. In the case of a door, the doorknob is just one part of the overall mechanism. The entire assembly includes other components such as hinges (a type of lever) and possibly a latch or lock (which may involve additional simple machines like wedges or screws).

So, while a doorknob itself is a simple machine (wheel and axle), when considering the entire door assembly, it becomes part of a compound machine.