Mr Shen wished to enter the orange kite competition with an innovative kite of his own design. He did tests that showed an irregular quadrilateral design was best. The longest side (A) was twice the length of the shortest side (C). Side B was one and one-half times the shortest side (C). Side D needed to be 4" (4 inches) longer then side C. If the competition required that the perimeter of your kite must be 81", what were the dimensions of Mr. Shen's Kite?

Side C --- x
side A --- 2x
side B ----1.5x
side D ---- x+4

x + 2x + 1.5x + x+4 = 81
5.5x = 77
x = 14

Now I got the answers for A and B



I need help for answers C and D

all that algebra went ok, and you have trouble with arithmetic?

C = x = 14
D = x+4 = 18

A+B+C+D = 28+21+14+18 = 81

To find the dimensions for sides C and D, we can use the information given in the problem.

We know that side D needs to be 4 inches longer than side C. So, we can set up the equation:

D = C + 4

Now, let's substitute the value of C that we found earlier (x = 14) into the equation:

D = 14 + 4
D = 18

So, side D of Mr. Shen's kite is 18 inches.

To find side C, we can go back to the given information. We know that the shortest side (C) is one-half the length of the longest side (A). So:

C = A/2

Substituting the value of A that we found earlier (A = 28) into the equation:

C = 28/2
C = 14

Therefore, side C of Mr. Shen's kite is 14 inches.