Your cell phone cost $40 per month plus $0.15 for each text message you send or receive. You have at most$45 to spend on your cell phone bill. What is the maximum number of text messages that you can send or receive next month?

40 + 0.15x <= 45

Solve for x.


To find the maximum number of text messages you can send or receive next month, we need to determine the number of messages that will bring your total bill to exactly $45.

Let's assume the number of text messages is represented by x.

The monthly cost of your cell phone plan is fixed at $40.

The cost of each text message is $0.15, so the total cost of text messages is 0.15x.

Adding the cost of the monthly plan and the cost of the text messages, we can set up an equation:

40 + 0.15x = 45

Let's solve this equation to find the maximum value of x:

40 - 40 + 0.15x = 45 - 40
0.15x = 5
x = 5 / 0.15
x = 33.33...

Since the number of text messages cannot be in decimal form, we round down to the nearest whole number.

Therefore, the maximum number of text messages you can send or receive next month is 33.