Divide. (–6m^9 – 6m^8 – 16m^6) ÷ (2m^3)

• –3m9 – 3m8 – 8m6
• –3m6 – 6m8 – 16m3
• –3m6 – 3m5 – 8m3
• –3m6 – 3m5 – 16m3

Divide each term of the numerator by 2m^3:

-6m^9/(2m^3) = -3m^6
-6m^8/(2m^3) = -3m^5
-16m^6/(2m^3) = -8m^3
Choose your answer accordingly.

O.K. got it.

To divide (–6m^9 – 6m^8 – 16m^6) by (2m^3), you need to divide each term of the numerator by the denominator.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the first term, –6m^9. Divide –6 by 2 to get –3, and divide m^9 by m^3 to get m^6. So, –6m^9 ÷ (2m^3) becomes –3m^6.

2. Move on to the second term, –6m^8. Divide –6 by 2 to get –3, and divide m^8 by m^3 to get m^5. So, –6m^8 ÷ (2m^3) becomes –3m^5.

3. Finally, divide the third term, –16m^6, by (2m^3). Divide –16 by 2 to get –8, and divide m^6 by m^3 to get m^3. So, –16m^6 ÷ (2m^3) becomes –8m^3.

Putting it all together, the result of (–6m^9 – 6m^8 – 16m^6) ÷ (2m^3) is:

–3m^6 – 3m^5 – 8m^3

Therefore, none of the options provided matches the correct answer.