The book shelly is reading has 235pages. She has already read 110 pages. If she reads 25 pages a day from now on, how many more days will it take her to complete the book?

110 + 25x = 235

Solve for x.



To determine how many more days it will take Shelly to complete the book, we need to calculate the number of pages she has left to read and divide it by the number of pages she reads in a day.

Shelly has already read 110 pages out of a total of 235 pages in the book. Therefore, the number of pages she has left to read is 235 - 110 = 125 pages.

If Shelly reads 25 pages a day from now on, we can divide the remaining number of pages (125) by the number of pages she reads in a day (25) to find the number of days it will take her to complete the book:

125 pages / 25 pages per day = 5 days

So, it will take Shelly 5 more days to complete the book.