two elements in literary settings

what are they?

but there only two

the question says a literary setting includes two elements. what are they

Which two does your book explain?

none it just said to read act 1

and answer the question the teacher wrote for us

Then use any two of the four elements.

Two elements typically found in literary settings are the physical environment and the social/cultural atmosphere. The physical environment refers to the geographical location, time period, and the surrounding nature or man-made structures in which the story takes place. This includes details such as the weather, landscape, architecture, and sensory descriptions that create a vivid backdrop for the events of the story.

The social/cultural atmosphere of a literary setting encompasses the values, beliefs, customs, and societal norms of the characters living within it. It includes the social hierarchy, traditions, political systems, and any historical or cultural context that shapes the characters' behaviors and interactions. The social/cultural atmosphere helps to highlight the character's motivations, conflicts, and experiences within the story.

To identify these elements in a literary setting, you can analyze the descriptive language used by the author to portray the physical surroundings and social dynamics within the story. Look for specific details about the environment, such as geographical markers, landmarks, or natural features. Also, pay attention to the cultural references, dialogues, and interactions among characters that provide insight into the social atmosphere of the setting. By examining these elements, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how the setting impacts the story and its characters.