alicia sells calculator.His competitors sells the same model of calculators at RM30 each. Alicia wants a 40% markup on cost by selling at the competitors price.A t what price can Alicia afford to buy the calculators?

so you want

1.4x = 30

x = ....

multiply ?


if 1.4x = 30

1.4x/1.4 = 30/1.4

x = 30/1.4
= RM 21.43

take 40 % of 21.43 and add it to 21.43
what is 1.4(21.43) ?

To determine the price at which Alicia can afford to buy the calculators, we need to calculate the cost price for Alicia.

We know that Alicia wants a 40% markup on the cost. This means the selling price for Alicia would be 40% higher than the cost price.

Let's denote the cost price as "C". The markup would be 40% of C, which is 0.4C. So, the selling price for Alicia would be C + 0.4C = 1.4C.

We know that the competitors sell the same calculators for RM30 each. Therefore, the selling price Alicia has set, which is 1.4C, should be equal to RM30.

1.4C = RM30

To find the cost price (C), we need to divide both sides of the equation by 1.4:

C = RM30 / 1.4

C ≈ RM21.43

Therefore, Alicia can afford to buy the calculators at a cost price of approximately RM21.43 each.