John read 1/4 of pages of book on Saturday and another 2/3 of pages on Sunday. She read the last 5 pages on Monday . What was the total pages of book?

number of pages ---- n

n/4 + 2n/3 + 5 = n
times 12
3n + 8n + 60 = 12n
n = 60

1/4 of 60 = 15
2/3 of 60 = 40
15 + 60 + 5 = 60 , check!


To find the total number of pages in the book, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the number of pages John read on Saturday:
Given that John read 1/4 of the book on Saturday, you can express this as a fraction: 1/4.
Let's assume the total number of pages in the book is represented by 'x'. Therefore, the number of pages John read on Saturday would be (1/4) * x.

Step 2: Calculate the number of pages John read on Sunday:
Given that John read 2/3 of the book on Sunday, you can express this as a fraction: 2/3.
Again, the total number of pages in the book is 'x', and the number of pages read on Sunday would be (2/3) * x.

Step 3: Calculate the number of pages John read on Monday:
John read the last 5 pages of the book on Monday. So, the number of pages read on Monday is 5.

Step 4: Calculate the total number of pages in the book:
To find the total number of pages in the book, add up the pages read on each day:
(1/4) * x + (2/3) * x + 5 = x

Now, let's solve for 'x' using the equation:

First, simplify the equation by multiplying the fractions:
(1/4) * x + (2/3) * x + 5 = x
(3/12) * x + (8/12) * x + 5 = x
[(3x + 8x) / 12] + 5 = x
[11x / 12] + 5 = x

Next, get rid of the fraction by multiplying both sides of the equation by 12:
12 * [11x / 12] + 12 * 5 = 12 * x
11x + 60 = 12x

Then, simplify the equation by subtracting 11x from both sides:
11x + 60 - 11x = 12x - 11x
60 = x

Therefore, the total number of pages in the book is 60.