In Westside Community Schools v. Mergens, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the __________, stating that it was a violation of __________.

A.principal . . . church and state
B.students . . . their First Amendment rights
C.students . . . their patriotic rights
D.principal . . . school policy


it was B, I got it correct.

In Westside Community Schools v. Mergens, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the students, stating that it was a violation of their First Amendment rights. The case involved a student-led Bible club that requested to meet on school grounds, but the school denied their request, arguing that it violated the separation of church and state.

To answer this question, you can first recall the key information from the question itself: The Supreme Court ruled in favor of someone and stated that it was a violation of something. Next, you can analyze the provided options:

A. "principal . . . church and state" does not accurately reflect the ruling, as it was the students who were granted their rights and not the principal.
B. "students . . . their First Amendment rights" aligns with the ruling and describes the outcome accurately.
C. "students . . . their patriotic rights" does not align with the given information and concepts discussed in the case.
D. "principal . . . school policy" does not reflect the ruling or the violation mentioned.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. students . . . their First Amendment rights.