Which of the following describes the specific role of the senate in the roman government?

A. to enforce laws

B. to make laws

C.yo interpret law

D. to provide counsel to citizens

You'll need to use Google. Use this search term: Roman senate


That is corrct.

To determine the specific role of the Senate in the Roman government, we can analyze each option and understand its accuracy. Here's how you can arrive at the correct answer:

A. To enforce laws: While the Senate did have some influence in implementing laws, this was not its primary responsibility. The Senate had more legislative and advisory functions rather than enforcement powers. Thus, option A is not the correct answer.

B. To make laws: This is a crucial function of the Senate in the Roman government. The senators were responsible for proposing, debating, and ultimately passing legislation. They played a significant role in the legislative process. Therefore, option B is a plausible answer.

C. To interpret law: While legal interpretation was part of the Roman legal system, it was primarily the domain of skilled jurists, known as the praetors, who were appointed to interpret and apply law in specific cases. The senators were not the primary interpreters of the law, so option C is not the best answer.

D. To provide counsel to citizens: Providing counsel and advice to citizens was indeed one of the roles of the Senate. The senators were seen as wise and experienced individuals who could assist Roman citizens in various matters and offer guidance. Thus, option D is a plausible answer.

Considering the options, the most accurate description of the specific role of the Senate in the Roman government is typically option B - to make laws. However, it's worth noting that option D - to provide counsel to citizens - also has a certain degree of validity.

um srry but i don't have a book thy did not send me one

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