what property does (-5)+5=0 illustrate

What property is illustrated in the following,(-5) + 5 =0?

Which of the following is an illustration of identity propert?

The property that (-5) + 5 = 0 illustrates is the additive inverse property. According to this property, the sum of any number and its additive inverse (a number that, when added to the original number, gives a sum of zero) is always equal to zero. In this case, -5 is the additive inverse of 5, and when they are added together, the result is zero.

The property that (-5) + 5 = 0 illustrates is known as the additive inverse property or the inverse property of addition. This property states that for any number "a", its additive inverse (-a) will add up to zero. In other words, when you add a number to its additive inverse, the result will always be zero.

To understand why this is the case, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Start with the number -5.
Step 2: Find its additive inverse. In this case, the additive inverse of -5 is +5.
Step 3: Add the number -5 to its additive inverse +5.
Step 4: (-5) + 5 = 0.

So, the property that is illustrated here is the additive inverse property, which shows that adding a number to its additive inverse results in zero.