A total charge of +4 C flows from the +9 V positive terminal of a battery to the negative terminal at 0 V. What is the change in potential energy of the charge?


all your questions are answered by
Voltage = potential energy per unit charge


Yes !!! :)

To calculate the change in potential energy of the charge, we can use the formula:

Change in Potential Energy = Charge × Voltage

In this case, the charge is +4 C and the voltage is +9 V. Plugging in the values into the formula, we get:

Change in Potential Energy = +4 C × +9 V

Now, to multiply the values, we need to multiply the numbers first, and then consider the signs. Since both values are positive, the product will also be positive.

4 × 9 = 36


Change in Potential Energy = +36 C·V

Thus, the change in potential energy of the charge is +36 C·V.