The average daily high temperature for the month of may in ocaia Florida is appromaimated by thee function. F(n)=0.2n+80. Where n is the day of the month

To find the average daily high temperature for the month of May in Ocaia, Florida using the function F(n)=0.2n+80, where n is the day of the month, follow these steps:

1. Substitute the values for n from 1 to 31 (representing the days of May) into the function F(n)=0.2n+80.
- F(1) = 0.2(1) + 80 = 80.2
- F(2) = 0.2(2) + 80 = 80.4
- F(3) = 0.2(3) + 80 = 80.6
(Continue this process for each day of the month until F(31))

2. Add up all the values obtained in Step 1.

3. Divide the total sum by the number of days in May (which is 31) to calculate the average.

For example, to find the average daily high temperature for the month of May in Ocaia, Florida:
- Calculate F(1), F(2), F(3), ..., F(31) using the formula F(n)=0.2n+80.
- Add the results of all 31 days.
- Divide the sum by 31 to find the average daily high temperature.

Note that this function is only an approximation, so actual weather conditions may vary.

To find the average daily high temperature for the month of May in Ocala, Florida using the given function F(n) = 0.2n + 80, where n is the day of the month, you can simply substitute the values of n into the function and calculate the result.

For example, to find the average daily high temperature for May 1st (n = 1):

F(1) = 0.2(1) + 80
F(1) = 0.2 + 80
F(1) = 80.2

So, the average daily high temperature for May 1st would be approximately 80.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

Similarly, you can calculate the average daily high temperature for any day of May by substituting the corresponding value of n into the function F(n).