Write an algorithm that reads the names of 10

students, their weights in kilograms, five test
scores for each student and then prints the name
of each student, his weight in pounds, and his
average test score.

for i=1..10

read name(i),weight(i)
sum = 0
for j=1..5
read score(i,j)
sum += score(i,j)
next j
avg(i) = sum/5
next i

for i=1..10
print name(i),weight(i)*2.2,avg(i)
next i

To write an algorithm that reads the names of 10 students, their weights in kilograms, and five test scores for each student, and then prints the name of each student, their weight in pounds, and their average test score, you can follow these steps:

1. Create an empty list to store the student data.
2. Initialize a variable `counter` to keep track of the number of students processed.
3. Use a loop to iterate 10 times or until `counter` reaches 10, whichever comes first.
4. Inside the loop, prompt the user to enter the name of the student and store it in a variable `name`.
5. Prompt the user to enter the weight of the student in kilograms and store it in a variable `weight_kg`.
6. Convert the weight from kilograms to pounds by multiplying it by 2.20462 (1 kilogram = 2.20462 pounds) and store the result in a variable `weight_lb`.
7. Create an empty list to store the test scores for the current student.
8. Use another loop to iterate 5 times or until all test scores have been entered for the current student, whichever comes first.
9. Inside the nested loop, prompt the user to enter a test score and add it to the list of test scores for the current student.
10. Calculate the average test score by summing up all the test scores and dividing the result by 5. Store the average in a variable `average_score`.
11. Create a tuple containing the student's name, weight in pounds, and average test score.
12. Append the tuple to the list of student data.
13. Increment the `counter` variable by 1 to move on to the next student.
14. After the loop finishes, iterate over the list of student data.
15. For each student, extract their name, weight in pounds, and average test score from the tuple, and print them.
16. Repeat steps 14-15 until all student data has been printed.

Here's the algorithm in pseudocode:

student_data = []
counter = 0

while counter < 10:
name = input("Enter student name: ")
weight_kg = float(input("Enter weight in kilograms: "))
weight_lb = weight_kg * 2.20462
test_scores = []
score_counter = 0

while score_counter < 5:
score = float(input("Enter test score: "))
score_counter += 1

average_score = sum(test_scores) / 5
student_tuple = (name, weight_lb, average_score)

counter += 1

for student in student_data:
name, weight_lb, average_score = student
print("Name:", name)
print("Weight (lb):", weight_lb)
print("Average Test Score:", average_score)

By following this algorithm, you can read the necessary information for each student, calculate their weight in pounds and average test score, and finally print the desired output.