
what' the number of X

To find the value of X in the equation 24X = 260 × (1.05^(x/2)), we need to solve for X.

Let's break down the equation steps:

1. Divide both sides of the equation by 24:
(24X)/24 = (260 × (1.05^(x/2)))/24

This simplifies to:
X = (260 × (1.05^(x/2)))/24

2. Now, to solve for X, we need to know the value of x in the exponent term (x/2). Unfortunately, it is not provided in the given equation. Without knowing the value of x, we cannot determine the exact value of X.

If you have additional information or constraints related to the value of x, please provide them so we can assist you further in finding the value of X.