explain how to construct the legs of the ironing board to ensure that the surface is always parallel to the floor

To construct the legs of an ironing board and ensure that the surface is always parallel to the floor, follow these steps:

1. Start with four pieces of sturdy, straight lumber that will serve as the legs of the ironing board. Make sure the pieces are long enough to reach the desired height of the board.

2. Measure and mark the desired height on each leg. Use a tape measure and a pencil to ensure accuracy.

3. Cut each leg to the marked length using a saw. Make sure to cut each leg at a perfect 90-degree angle to ensure stability.

4. On each leg, measure and mark a line at a distance that matches the width of the ironing board. This line will indicate where the legs will attach to the board.

5. Attach a leg to each marked line. Position the leg so that its top edge is flush with the top edge of the ironing board.

6. Secure each leg by drilling pilot holes through the leg and into the board. Use screws or bolts to fasten the legs firmly in place. Make sure the screws or bolts are long enough to provide a secure attachment.

7. Once all the legs are attached, place the ironing board on a flat surface, such as the floor. Use a carpenter's level to check if the surface is parallel to the floor.

8. If the surface is not parallel to the floor, adjust the legs accordingly. Loosen the screws or bolts slightly and make small adjustments to level the board.

9. Use the carpenter's level to check the surface after each adjustment. Keep making small adjustments until the ironing board surface is perfectly parallel to the floor.

10. Once the ironing board is level, tighten the screws or bolts securely to hold the legs in place.

By following these steps, you can construct the legs of the ironing board in a way that ensures the surface is always parallel to the floor, providing a stable and functional ironing surface.