A movie theater ticket booth opens at 10 am. There are four tellers who divide the customers evenly. The tellers have served 16 customers so far this morning. which expression represents the unknown number of customers each teller will serve? Let c represent the additional number off customers.

a: 16 + c OVER 4

b: 4(16 + c)

c: c - 16 OVER 4

d: 16c OVER 4

If c = "additional number off (sic) customers," then each teller will serve "c - 16 OVER 4" [more clearly written (c-16)/4] additional customers.

The correct expression that represents the unknown number of customers each teller will serve is:

a: 16 + c OVER 4

To find the expression that represents the unknown number of customers each teller will serve, we need to take into account that there are four tellers who have served a total of 16 customers so far. Let's break down the problem:

The total number of customers served by the tellers so far is 16.

Since there are four tellers dividing the customers evenly, we can divide the total number of customers by the number of tellers:

16 divided by 4 is 4.

Therefore, each teller has served 4 customers.

To represent the unknown number of customers each teller will serve, we can use the variable c, which represents the additional number off customers.

So, the expression that represents the unknown number of customers each teller will serve is: a: 16 + c OVER 4