From the words below, supply the words needed to complete the sentences.

Vicariously, vicissitudes, tawdry, ponderous, sycophant, implausible.

A. One might say that Tennessee Williams lived VICARIOUSLY through the character of brick in his play cat on a hot tin roof. Big daddy, although a large man, was far from TAWDRY; in fact, he moved rather gracefully. While Maggie was elegant and refined, Mae was a bit PONDEROUS and rude.

B. While he found his boss' explanation IMPLAUSIBLE, he pretended to believe her. Later, he felt like such a SYCOPHANT for just sitting there smiling amiably as she told him such a blatant lie. "Such" he thought, "are the VICISSITUDES of life.

They're all right except for tawdry and ponderous.

To complete the sentences:

A. One might say that Tennessee Williams lived VICARIOUSLY through the character of Brick in his play Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Big Daddy, although a large man, was far from TAWDRY; in fact, he moved rather gracefully. While Maggie was elegant and refined, Mae was a bit PONDEROUS and rude.

To find the missing words, you can analyze the context of the sentences and identify the appropriate options. In this case:

- VICARIOUSLY: This word is used to describe living through someone else's experiences. It fits the context of Tennessee Williams living through the character of Brick.
- TAWDRY: This word describes something cheap or gaudy. Since Big Daddy is described as not being tawdry, it fits the sentence.
- PONDEROUS: This word means slow and clumsy because of great weight or size. Given that Mae is described as rude, this word fits the context.

B. While he found his boss' explanation IMPLAUSIBLE, he pretended to believe her. Later, he felt like such a SYCOPHANT for just sitting there smiling amiably as she told him such a blatant lie. "Such" he thought, "are the VICISSITUDES of life."

To complete the sentence:

- IMPLAUSIBLE: This word means not believable or unlikely to be true. It fits the context of the boss' explanation.
- SYCOPHANT: This word refers to a person who flatters someone in order to gain personal advantage. It fits the context of the person pretending to believe the boss.

To recap, by analyzing the context and understanding the definitions of the missing words, you can determine the appropriate words to complete the sentences.