What were the resources of India back in 1858?

Read, read, read ...


To find information about the resources of India in 1858, you can refer to historical texts, documents, or books that describe the economic situation of the country during that period. Here's how you might go about researching this topic:

1. Start by searching for books or articles that focus on the economic history of India during the 19th century. Libraries, online databases, or academic platforms like JSTOR or Google Scholar can be useful resources for finding such materials.

2. Once you have a list of relevant sources, look for books or chapters that discuss the period between 1858 and the early 1860s, which marks the beginning of British colonial rule in India after the end of the Indian Rebellion.

3. Pay attention to sections that specifically address the resources or economic development of India during that time. Look for details on key natural resources, agricultural products, industries, or trade patterns that shaped India's economy during this period.

4. Additionally, examining primary sources like official records, letters, or diaries from the British colonial administration or accounts from travelers and historians of the time can provide first-hand insights into the available resources in India.

5. Websites of historical institutions, archives, or academic libraries may also provide digitized or online access to relevant documents and resources. Checking their online databases or collections could be beneficial.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you should be able to gather information about the resources of India in 1858. Remember to critically analyze the information you find and cross-reference multiple sources to ensure accuracy.