calculate the exact and approximate number of days

i) from 19 november 1995 to 1 may 1996

then,i want to know how i can differences between exact time approximate time.

sometimes i cannot understand how to find the approximate time

left in 1995: 12+31 = 43 days

to go in 1996: 31+29+31+30+1 = 122 days

no idea what rules you use for approximate time.

19 Nov - 19 May is 6 months, or 180 days (using the 360-day year). Knock off 18 days in may to get 162 days

To calculate the exact number of days between two dates, you can use the following formula:

Number of days = (end date - start date) + 1

i) From 19 November 1995 to 1 May 1996:
First, we need to find the number of days from 19 November 1995 to 31 December 1995 (the end of the year):

Number of days = (31 - 19) + 1 = 13

Next, we need to find the number of days from 1 January 1996 to 1 May 1996:

Number of days = (31 + 29 + 31 + 30 + 1) = 122

Finally, we add the two results together to get the exact number of days:

Exact number of days = 13 + 122 = 135

To find the approximate number of days, you can round off the number of days to the nearest whole number. In the case above, the approximate number of days would also be 135 since it is already a whole number.

The difference between the exact time and the approximate time is that the exact time calculates the precise number of days, including any partial days, whereas the approximate time rounds off the number of days to the nearest whole number. In most cases, the approximate time is used for simplicity and does not greatly impact the overall result.