firm is assigned the network part 128.171. It selects a 10-bit subnet part.

a) Draw the bits for the four octets of the IP address of the first host on the first subnet. (Hint: Use Windows Calculator.)

b) Convert this answer into dotted decimal notation.

c) Draw the bits for the second host on the third subnet. (In binary, 2 is 10, whereas 3 is 11.)

d) Convert this into dotted decimal notation.

e) Draw the bits for the last host on the third subnet.

f) Convert this answer into dotted decimal notation.

To answer these questions, we need to understand certain concepts related to IP addressing and subnetting.

In IP addressing, an IP address is divided into two parts: the network part and the host part. The network part identifies the network, while the host part identifies the specific host within that network. Subnetting allows for further division of the network into smaller parts.

In this scenario, the network part assigned is 128.171. The subnetting requires a 10-bit subnet part, which means we can have 2^10 = 1024 subnets.

Now let's proceed to answer each question step by step:

a) To find the bits for the four octets of the IP address of the first host on the first subnet, we need to consider the following:
- The network part: 128.171
- The subnet part: 10 bits (let's assume they are all zeros for the first subnet)

So the first host on the first subnet will have the following IP address represented in binary (bits):
- Network part: 10000000.10101011
- Subnet part: 00000000.00
- Host part: 000001.00

b) To convert the binary representation into dotted decimal notation, we group the bits into four octets (8 bits each) and convert them to decimal numbers. So the IP address of the first host on the first subnet in dotted decimal notation is:
- Network part: 128.171
- Subnet part: 0.0
- Host part: 1.0

Therefore, the IP address is:

c) To find the bits for the second host on the third subnet, we need to consider the following:
- The network part: 128.171
- The subnet part: 10 bits (let's assume the third subnet is represented by a binary number 10)

So the second host on the third subnet will have the following IP address represented in binary (bits):
- Network part: 10000000.10101011
- Subnet part: 00000000.10
- Host part: 000001.00

d) To convert the binary representation into dotted decimal notation:
- Network part: 128.171
- Subnet part: 0.2
- Host part: 1.0

Therefore, the IP address is:

e) To find the bits for the last host on the third subnet, we need to consider the following:
- The network part: 128.171
- The subnet part: 10 bits (let's assume the third subnet is represented by a binary number 10)

So the last host on the third subnet will have the following IP address represented in binary (bits):
- Network part: 10000000.10101011
- Subnet part: 00000000.10
- Host part: 111110.11

f) To convert the binary representation into dotted decimal notation:
- Network part: 128.171
- Subnet part: 0.2
- Host part: 62.3

Therefore, the IP address is: