if a positive factor for harvesting trees is encouraging local industry, a negative could be

A. loss of habitat
B. mining accidents
C. unemployment
D. water pollution

I think A

Its definately A

The answer is A

To determine the answer, we need to understand what positive factors and negative factors are associated with harvesting trees. Positive factors refer to the benefits or advantages, while negative factors refer to the drawbacks or disadvantages of the activity. In this case, the positive factor given is "encouraging local industry." Now, let's evaluate each option to see which one represents a negative factor for harvesting trees:

A. Loss of habitat: This is a valid concern as harvesting trees can lead to the destruction of natural habitats for various organisms, including wildlife.
B. Mining accidents: This option does not directly relate to harvesting trees, as the process of mining usually pertains to extracting minerals or resources from the ground.
C. Unemployment: This option could be a negative factor for harvesting trees; if the local industry does not provide enough employment opportunities, it can lead to unemployment issues.
D. Water pollution: While water pollution can be associated with certain industries, it does not directly represent a negative factor for harvesting trees.

Upon evaluating the options, it becomes clear that option A, loss of habitat, is indeed a negative factor for tree harvesting. Therefore, the answer to the question is A.