-5 - x = 2x - (4x + 6)

-5 + 6 = 2x - 4x -x
Not sure if I am working this problem correctly

I recommend getting rid of brackets first to get nice straightforward terms, then simplify, and then "move" terms from side to side.

-5 - x = 2x - 4x - 6
-5 - x = -2x - 6
2x - x = -6 + 5
x = -1

(your -x on the right side should have been +x )

so when moving from one side of equal sign changes the sign of number/variable. The negative sign in front of brackets changed numbers inside to negatives. Thanks

To solve the equation -5 - x = 2x - (4x + 6), you can follow these steps:

1. Distribute the negative sign to the terms inside the parentheses: -5 - x = 2x - 4x - 6.
This simplifies the equation to -5 - x = -2x - 6.

2. Combine like terms. The terms -x and -2x can be combined to get -3x. Similarly, -5 and -6 can be combined to get -11.
The equation becomes -11 = -3x.

3. To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by -3:
-11 / -3 = -3x / -3.
Simplifying further, this gives x = 11/3 or approximately 3.67.

So, you made a mistake in your calculation. The correct steps are as follows:

-5 - x = 2x - (4x + 6)
-5 - x = 2x - 4x - 6
-5 - x = -2x - 6

Combining like terms:
-11 = -3x

Dividing both sides by -3:
-11 / -3 = -3x / -3
11/3 = x

Therefore, the correct solution to the equation is x = 11/3 or approximately 3.67.