If Alisha Maintenance manufacturing has:

total maintenance cost of $2,785,000

total fixed maintenance cost of $310,000

total variable maintenance cost of $2,475,000

total maintenance cost per unit is $18.57

fixed maintenance cost per unite of $2.07

variable maintenance cost per unit of $16.50.

How would Alisha's management improve its cost function to better understand their past maintenance costs and predict future maintenance costs.

To improve their cost function and better understand their past and predict future maintenance costs, Alisha's management can follow these steps:

1. Analyze historical data: Begin by analyzing the historical maintenance cost data to identify any patterns or trends. Look for any seasonality or cyclical fluctuations in maintenance costs.

2. Identify cost drivers: Identify the key factors that drive maintenance costs. This could include equipment types, usage rates, facility characteristics, or other relevant factors. Analyzing the relationship between these cost drivers and maintenance costs will help uncover insights.

3. Develop cost models: Create mathematical models or formulas that estimate maintenance costs based on the identified cost drivers. These models can be simple or complex, depending on the level of accuracy required.

4. Validate and refine the models: Validate the accuracy and reliability of the cost models by comparing the predicted costs with the actual costs. If there are discrepancies, identify the sources of variation and refine the models accordingly.

5. Incorporate external factors: Consider external factors such as inflation rates, market conditions, or technological advancements that may impact maintenance costs. Incorporate these factors into the cost models to improve their predictive power.

6. Monitor and update the models: Regularly monitor and update the cost models as new data becomes available. Maintenance costs may evolve over time, and the models should be adjusted to reflect these changes.

7. Use advanced analytics tools: Utilize advanced analytics tools and techniques, such as regression analysis, machine learning, or data visualization, to gain deeper insights into the relationship between maintenance costs and the identified cost drivers.

8. Continuous improvement: Continuously review and improve the cost function by incorporating feedback from maintenance staff, incorporating new data sources, and staying updated on industry best practices. Constantly striving for improvement will help predict future maintenance costs more accurately.

By following these steps, Alisha's management can improve the cost function, gain a better understanding of past maintenance costs, and make more accurate predictions for future maintenance costs.

To improve their cost function and better understand past and predict future maintenance costs, Alisha's management can follow several steps:

1. Analyze historical data: Management should gather and analyze past maintenance cost data, breaking it down into fixed and variable costs. This will help identify any trends or patterns in the data.

2. Calculate cost per unit: Alisha's management has already determined the total maintenance cost per unit ($18.57). However, they should also calculate the fixed and variable maintenance cost per unit separately. This can be done by dividing the total fixed maintenance cost ($310,000) and the total variable maintenance cost ($2,475,000) by the number of units produced or maintained.

3. Use regression analysis: Regression analysis is a statistical method used to determine the relationship between variables. Alisha's management can use this analysis to identify how fixed and variable costs are affected by changes in production levels, equipment usage, or other relevant factors. By quantifying these relationships, they can better predict future maintenance costs based on different scenarios.

4. Consider external factors: External factors like inflation, industry trends, and technological advancements can impact maintenance costs over time. Alisha's management should consider these factors when assessing historical data and making future predictions. They can consult industry reports, experts, or conduct market research to gain insights into these external influences.

5. Continuous monitoring and refinement: A cost function is not a one-time analysis. Alisha's management should continuously monitor and refine their cost function as new data becomes available. This will help them validate the accuracy of their predictions and make adjustments if necessary.

By following these steps, Alisha's management can improve their cost function, gain a better understanding of past maintenance costs, and make more accurate predictions for future maintenance costs.