Help me please I'm stuck on this question

2.In a thunderstorm at 20.0°C, Karen sees a bolt of lightning and hears the thunderclap 3.00 s later. How far from Karen did the lightning strike? Show your work.

The speed of sound at 20°C v=343 m/s

s=vt=343•3=1029 m

thank you so much :D, you really helped me out

To calculate the distance from Karen to where the lightning struck, we need to use the speed of sound and the time it took for the sound to reach her.

Step 1: Determine the speed of sound at 20.0°C.
The speed of sound in air can be approximated by the equation v = 331.4 + 0.6T, where v is the speed of sound in meters per second and T is the temperature in degrees Celsius.
Plugging in T = 20.0°C, we get:
v = 331.4 + 0.6 * 20.0
v = 331.4 + 12.0
v = 343.4 m/s

Step 2: Calculate the distance using the formula d = v * t, where d is the distance and t is the time it took for the sound to reach Karen.
Plugging in v = 343.4 m/s and t = 3.00 s, we get:
d = 343.4 * 3.00
d = 1030.2 meters

Therefore, the lightning struck approximately 1030.2 meters away from Karen.

To determine the distance from Karen to the lightning strike, we can use the speed of sound to calculate the time it takes for the thunder to reach Karen, and then use this time to find the distance.

Step 1: Calculate the speed of sound at 20.0°C.
The speed of sound varies with temperature. At 20.0°C, the speed of sound is approximately 343 meters per second.

Step 2: Calculate the time it takes for the sound to reach Karen.
Given that Karen hears the thunderclap 3.00 seconds later, we can use this information to find the time it took for the sound to travel from the lightning strike to Karen.

Step 3: Calculate the distance from Karen to the lightning strike.
We know that the speed of sound is 343 m/s as calculated in step 1, and that it took 3.00 seconds for the sound to reach Karen from the lightning bolt. Using the formula Distance = Speed x Time, we can calculate the distance.

Distance = Speed x Time
Distance = 343 m/s x 3.00 s

Therefore, the distance from Karen to the lightning strike is:
Distance = 1,029 meters or 1.029 kilometers.

So, Karen was approximately 1,029 meters or 1.029 kilometers away from the lightning strike.