If there are 10 to 15 apples in a basket and there are 2 to 3 baskets in a bushel, what is the maximum number of bushels that can be filled by 900 apples?

a. 20
b. 25
c. 30
d. 40
e. 45

please answer and explain

10 apples/basket

2 baskets/bushel

so 20 apples per bushel min

900/20 = 90/2 = 45

To find the maximum number of bushels that can be filled by 900 apples, we need to determine the number of apples per bushel.

Given that there are 10 to 15 apples in a basket, we can find the average number of apples per basket as follows:

Average Apples per Basket = (10 + 15) / 2 = 25 / 2 = 12.5

Now, we know that there are 2 to 3 baskets in a bushel. Taking the average, we find:

Average Baskets per Bushel = (2 + 3) / 2 = 5 / 2 = 2.5

To find the number of bushels, we divide the total number of apples (900) by the average number of apples per bushel:

Number of Bushels = 900 / 12.5 = 72

So, the maximum number of bushels that can be filled by 900 apples is 72.

To determine the answer choice, we need to check which option is closest to 72:

a. 20 - This is significantly smaller than 72.
b. 25 - This is still smaller than 72.
c. 30 - This is closer to 72 but still smaller.
d. 40 - This is bigger than 72.
e. 45 - This is even bigger than 72.

Therefore, the answer is d. 40, as it is the closest option to the calculated maximum number of bushels.