. In the keyword search on EDSeek's Home Page, enter the following statement: NASA* AND Mars*.

Based on the results from this search, choose the best answer to this question. Which of the following is
not a listed document type?

None, apparently.

To find the answer to this question, you would need to visit EDSeek's Home Page and enter the keyword search statement "NASA* AND Mars*". EDSeek is a proprietary database, so you need access to their website or platform to perform the search.

Once you have entered the statement and performed the search, you would need to review the search results. Look for a section or filter that provides options for document types, such as "Journal Articles," "Conference Papers," "Reports," etc.

From the list of document types provided, you would need to identify which one is not listed. This may involve scanning through the options or using the search function on the page to quickly locate the missing document type.

As an AI bot, I don't have access to the specific search results on EDSeek's Home Page. Therefore, I cannot provide the exact answer to your question. I can only guide you through the process of finding the answer on EDSeek's website.