if nancy pelosi declared that clay firepits are causing global warming, demand for firepits shrink substantially in the U.S, especially in California. Firepits prices fall worldwide to 65 dollars. Now the manager of redstone should produce how many units?

To determine how many units the manager of Redstone should produce, we need to gather some additional information. Specifically, we need to know the current demand for firepits in the U.S. and California, as well as the desired level of inventory for Redstone.

1. Determine the impact of Nancy Pelosi's declaration: If Nancy Pelosi's declaration about clay firepits causing global warming led to a substantial decrease in demand for firepits in the U.S. and California, you need to find out the exact percentage decrease in demand. This will help you estimate the new level of demand.

2. Assess the market demand: Review industry reports or market research data to identify the current demand for firepits in the U.S. and California. This data will help you understand the existing market size and potential demand in light of the decreased interest due to the declaration.

3. Estimate firepit demand in the new scenario: Apply the percentage decrease in demand (determined in step 1) to the market demand data you found in step 2. This will give you an estimate of the new demand level for firepits in the U.S. and California.

4. Determine Redstone's desired inventory level: Check with Redstone's management or review company policies to determine the preferred level of inventory they aim to maintain. The desired inventory level will help you calculate the number of units the manager should produce.

5. Calculate the production quantity: Subtract the estimated demand (from step 3) from the desired inventory level (from step 4) to determine how many units need to be produced to meet the target inventory level.

Remember, these steps might require additional research and data analysis to obtain accurate figures.