The population of the Earth is approximately 6 billion people and is growing at an annual rate of 1.9%. Assuming a Malthusian growth model, find the world population in 42 years

To find the world population in 42 years using the Malthusian growth model, we need to take the current population and apply the annual growth rate for the given time period.

Step 1: Calculate the growth rate factor
The growth rate factor can be calculated by adding 1 to the annual growth rate as a decimal. In this case, the annual growth rate is 1.9%, which is equivalent to 0.019.

Growth rate factor = 1 + annual growth rate = 1 + 0.019 = 1.019

Step 2: Apply the growth rate factor
We need to multiply the current population by the growth rate factor for the number of years specified. In this case, we want to find the population in 42 years.

Population in 42 years = Current population * (growth rate factor)^number of years
= 6 billion * (1.019)^42

Step 3: Calculate the result
Using a calculator or computer program, calculate the result:

Population in 42 years = 6 billion * (1.019)^42

After performing the calculation, the estimated world population in 42 years, assuming the Malthusian growth model, will be the result.

To find the world population in 42 years using the Malthusian growth model, we need to use the formula:

P = P0 * e^(rt)

P is the current population
P0 is the initial population
e is the base of the natural logarithm, approximately 2.71828
r is the growth rate (in decimal form)
t is the time in years

Given that the current population is approximately 6 billion people and the annual growth rate is 1.9%, we can substitute these values into the formula. However, it's important to note that the growth rate should be converted to decimal form by dividing it by 100:

P0 = 6 billion
r = 1.9% = 0.019
t = 42 years

Substituting these values into the formula, we get:

P = 6 billion * (2.71828)^(0.019 * 42)

Now we can simplify and calculate the world population in 42 years.

P = 6 + 6*0.019*42 = 10.8 Billion.