A number cube with numbers 1 through 6 is rolled. Find the given probability.


A. 1/6*
B. 2/6
C. 4/6
D. 3/6

correct , there is only one choice, namely the 1

To find the probability of a certain event, we need to determine the number of favorable outcomes (the desired event) and the total number of possible outcomes.

In this case, we want to find the probability of rolling a number less than 2. The numbers less than 2 on a number cube are 1. So the number of favorable outcomes is 1.

The number cube has 6 sides, each with a different number from 1 to 6. Therefore, there are 6 possible outcomes.

To find the probability, we divide the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes:

P(number < 2) = favorable outcomes / total outcomes
= 1 / 6

So the correct answer is A. 1/6.