Which were not reason(s) for European exploration in the Americas?

A. Escape religious persecution

B. Wealth and trade

C. Escape economic and political turmoil

D. Power

It's not D, I think it's C, but I'm not sure

It was C :)

Thanks. :)

No it was not C. Escape economic and political turmoil

To determine which of the options were not reasons for European exploration in the Americas, we need to assess each option individually.

A. Escape religious persecution: This was indeed one of the reasons for European exploration in the Americas. Many Europeans sought to escape religious persecution by establishing new settlements where they could freely practice their religion.

B. Wealth and trade: This was another significant motivator for European exploration. Europeans hoped to find new trade routes to acquire valuable resources from the Americas and establish lucrative trade networks.

C. Escape economic and political turmoil: This option suggests that Europeans were looking to escape economic and political turbulence in their home countries. While there were instances of economic and political turmoil in Europe during this time period, it did not directly drive Europeans to explore the Americas. Therefore, this option was not a primary reason for European exploration.

D. Power: The quest for power was indeed a significant motive for European exploration in the Americas. European nations sought to expand their influence, establish colonies, and assert dominance over new territories.

Based on this analysis, option C (Escape economic and political turmoil) was not a primary reason for European exploration in the Americas.