As a fundraiser a school club is sellin posters. The printer charges a $24 set up fee plus $o.20 for each poster. Then the cost y in dollars to print is given by the linear equation y=0.20x+24

A. The printing of 50 posters cost?
The printing cost of 100 posters cost?

B. Find the number of posters x if the printer billed the club of $62.00
The number of posters for $62.00 is

A. Substitute the numbers for x and calculate for y.

B. Substitute the $62 for y and solve for x.

To find the printing cost, y, of a given number of posters, x, using the linear equation y = 0.20x + 24, we can substitute the value of x into the equation.


For 50 posters:
y = 0.20x + 24
y = 0.20(50) + 24
y = 10 + 24
y = 34

The printing cost for 50 posters is $34.

For 100 posters:
y = 0.20x + 24
y = 0.20(100) + 24
y = 20 + 24
y = 44

The printing cost for 100 posters is $44.


To find the number of posters, x, for a given printing cost, y = $62.00, we can rearrange the equation to solve for x.

y = 0.20x + 24
62 = 0.20x + 24
0.20x = 62 - 24
0.20x = 38
x = 38 / 0.20
x = 190

The number of posters required to have a printing cost of $62.00 is 190.

A. To find the printing cost of 50 posters, we substitute x = 50 into the equation y = 0.20x + 24:

y = 0.20(50) + 24
y = 10 + 24
y = 34

So the cost to print 50 posters is $34.

To find the printing cost of 100 posters, we substitute x = 100 into the equation:

y = 0.20(100) + 24
y = 20 + 24
y = 44

So the cost to print 100 posters is $44.

B. To find the number of posters x if the printer billed the club $62.00, we set y = 62 and solve for x in the equation y = 0.20x + 24:

62 = 0.20x + 24

Subtract 24 from both sides:

38 = 0.20x

Divide both sides by 0.20:

x = 38 / 0.20
x = 190

So the number of posters for a $62.00 bill is 190.