need help with math assessment lesson 7

what the what

conexus right

We cannot help unless you state the specific problem.

I need help

Tmtdonnie isn't right btw wrong lesson

.... really come on......well i guess cheating is bad anyway......but just think if you were failing and someone on here had the answers and they said "HAHA YALL I TOOK THE TEST AND GOT 100 PERCENT IM NOT TELLING YOU THE ANSWERS YOU HAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHA" i mean how would you feel. BUT we dont even know if you are telling the truth and even if you did share the answeres we would not know if they are right so yea..-_-

Um for what?😵

if you want to be saved by getting smacked by your mom or dad cause you are failing in your grade ask away meh ^-^

what is theee answer to this

What fraction is equivalent to 5 6

a fraction is 10/12, but there can be many equivalent fractions to 5/6. so just take this one for an answer.